Highlight Badges

Immediate insight into key record highlights.

Add Highlight Badges to record pages to give users quick insight into record details or related record information. Offers alerts and quick navigation to related records.

When released, Highlight Badges will be free to install and use, without limitation.

About the project

At-a-glance Highlights

Make the most important information easy to find

All the Details

Display pop-up or toast alerts to users with critical information

Quick Navigation

Quickly navigate to related records

Install Highlight Badges

Coming Soon!

Need help getting started? Fill out our form to notify support and we'll be in touch!

Download the legacy Contact Badges app from the AppExchange.

Post-Installation Steps

Once the package is installed, complete these steps to enable Highlight Badges for users in your org.

1. Assign Highlight Badges access to users

2. Add Highlight Badges component to record pages

3. Configure Highlight Badge Definitions

Configure Highlight Badge Definitions

Create Highlight Badge Definition records for each badge that should be displayed in the component on the Contact record page.

Assign Highlight Badges access to users

  1. Navigate to Setup > Users > Permission Sets

  2. Select the Highlight Badges Viewer permission set

  3. Click Manage Assignments and then Add Assignment

  4. Select users to grant access to and click Next, then Assign

Alternatively, add the following permissions to preferred profiles/permission sets:

Highlight Badges Admin

  • System Permissions

    • Customize Application

  • Apex Classes

    • HighlightBadgeActionEditorCtrl

    • HighlightBadgeActionsMgrController

    • HighlightBadgesController

    • HighlightBadgeSetupController

    • HighlightBadgesStarterPacksCtrl

    • LookupController

  • Object Settings (Object Access, Field Level Security, Platform Events and Tabs)

    • Highlight Badge Definition (Read, Create, Edit, Delete)

      • Read/Write access to all fields

    • Highlight Badge Action (Read, Create, Edit, Delete)

      • Read/Write access to all fields

    • Highlight Badges Starter Packs

      • Tab available and visible

    • Highlight Badges Refreshes (Read, Create)

    • Highlight Badges Deploy Results (Read, Create)

  • Custom Permissions

    • Can View Highlight Badges

  • Assigned Apps

    • Highlight Badges Setup

  • Custom Metadata Types

    • Badge Action Template

    • Badge Definition Template

    • Highlight Badges Starter Pack

Highlight Badges Viewer

  • Apex Classes

    • HighlightBadgesController

  • Custom Permissions

    • Can View Highlight Badges

  • Object Settings (Object Access, Field Level Security, Platform Events and Tabs)

    • Highlight Badge Definition (Read Only)

      • Read Only access to all fields

    • Highlight Badge Action (Read, Create, Edit, Delete)

      • Read Only access to all fields

    • Highlight Badges Refreshes (Read, Create)

Add Highlight Badges component to record pages

  1. Open the record page you’d like to modify in Lightning App Builder

  2. From the components menu on the left, select Contact Badges from the available Custom - Managed components and drag it to a preferred location on the layout (don't worry if it doesn't show any content - the component is hidden if no contact badge definitions are relevant to the current contact).

  3. Optionally, change the header for the Contact Alerts pop-up window and/or set component visibility to limit when the component displays.

Consider adding a filter to ensure the user has the Contact Badges View Access custom permission assigned to their user.

  1. In the Set Component Visibility section of the design panel, click Add Filter

  2. Set the Filter Type to Advanced

  3. Click Select to select a field, and select Permissions > Custom Permission > sscb.Contact_Badges_View_Access from the dropdown menus

  4. Click Done

  5. Set the Operator to Equal

  6. Set the Value to True

  7. Click Done

All set! Please enjoy Highlight Badges.

Anything not behaving? Let us know how we can help by contacting support.


Release Notes

Contact Support

Or email support@serkinsolutions.com